Restoration to Good Standing

I would like to express my appreciation to the terminal who took the time and care to contact me about my A-E cycle which had become pretty bogged down, promised to get it standardly resolved and then proceeded to do so, step by step, so that I was restored to good standing, following the LRH policy exactly.

I am now back in comm with family and friends and in a position to avail myself of services.

There were no complications once the cycle was addressed standardly and I was pleasantly surprised with how smoothly it went, once it was standardly dealt with. My terminal took it step by step, persisted, kept in comm throughout, did not introduce any arbitraries and did not forget about the cycle.

After some fairly rocky experiences, this handling helped restore my faith in justice as laid out by LRH and made me glad that I had persisted with getting my A-E standardly done and not gone off on any tangents. When you handle things within the Church, they do resolve. This is what LRH set up and it works!

– DP