
Associate School: schools affiliated with the Hubbard College in Phoenix, Arizona, in the early 1950s. The Hubbard College, where auditors trained on professional courses, had some twelve associates throughout the country. Each one of them had its own professional courses, played lecture tapes, gave professional processing and distributed books. LRH Article...

bulrushes: any of several grasslike wetlands; the term is used to describe uncultivated, thinly settled areas that are far from population centers; often held to be culturally backward. LRH Article...

coloredtainted; distorted or biased, as by irrelevant or incorrect intent. LRH Article...

CADA (California Association of Dianetic Auditors): a handful of auditors who were also psychologists who secretly backed legislation that would require Dianetic auditors in California to come under a psychology examining board and in effect make it illegal for an auditor to audit. LRH Article...

central office: in the early 1950s, a centrally-located organization providing coordination of the field and delivery of services in its respective area. LRH Article...

fifth leg: in a process with more than one command, each command is called a “leg” and in the case of the fifth leg, the command (leg) referred to is the fifth in the process. LRH Article...

George Orwellian nightmare: Eric Arthur Blair (1903-1950) was better known by his pen name George Orwell, an English author well known for his intense opposition to totalitarianism. For instance, his book, Nineteen Eighty-Four, written in 1949, was a novel about the oppression of a totalitarian regime in a society run by the very privileged few where there is perpetual war, pervasive government surveillance and incessant human mind control which render human rights worthless. LRH Article....

HASI: abbreviation for Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, the organization that coordinated and provided guidance to all Scientology organizations over the world and was the general membership group of the Church from the mid-1950s to mid-1960s. LRH Article...

media-media: a coined term used to mean average or regular; intermediate or halfway. Media is from a Latin word meaning “middle.”

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PAB: Professional Auditor’s Bulletin, a series of publications containing technical data from L. Ron Hubbard.

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Ridgway, Derricke: a squirrel who, in the early 1950s, amongst other things, published alter-ised British editions of Dianetics material through Derricke Ridgway Ltd, a publisher of esoteric books (other books included such titles as “The Psychology of the Occult”), which shortly thereafter went bankrupt. LRH Article...

SOP 5 Long Form Step III: Spacation: SOP is an abbreviation for Standard Operating Procedure, a series of auditing steps. In SOP 5, a technique consisting of specific processing steps, Step III of the Long Form is Spacation, a process having to do with the creation of space. LRH Article...

supinely: marked by or showing lethargy, passivity or blameworthy indifference; inactive. LRH Article...

unlettered: uneducated; illiterate. LRH Article...

Walsh: the head of one of the twelve Associate Schools (schools affiliated with the Hubbard College in Phoenix) in the early 1950s, located in LA. LRH Article...